Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Its surprising how the people You most likely know and spoke to .
Would get married so fast .
Its like the men who was talking to you a few weeks ago  is all of a suddenly married now.
Or the innocent men you never gave a chance to.
 Is now a doctor or entrepreneur  making millions on he's be half.
Never make someone feel less of them selfs.
Everyone deserves  Love here And there .
When I look back in life I see People  Getting married .
And having children .
People I've known for so long .
People I've grew up with .
People I've shared childhood memories with.
And  I look up on them .
And congratulate  them .
Because someday  I wanna get there .
And have a family of my own .
By living the life there living
enjoying each and every bit of it as well.

-Nadira Ahmed

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