Wednesday, April 6, 2016

He's name was Malek 

                                                                                    He was a young African
boy with a lot of potential.
Yet know one notice it .
I use to see him wearing the same clothes everyday at school .
Like a homeless boy without a home .
I remember asking him about why he had wear the same clothes .
But I've notice he would make excuses such as I have other clothes .
And this is my favorite outfit that I can tell
 He didn't want anyone to know.
He had the brightest smile .
He'd light up anyone's world .
While deep down he was the broken one that was feeling broken inside .
That know one have known .
I remember how some people said he was homeless but I didn't tend to listen cause some people make up lies And that wasn't something hard for me to realize .
Yet until I seen him one day sleeping outside by the side of the road  .
Digging through empty beer bottles and cans looking for food.
While he cried.
I reached out to him and offered  him a couple of bucks .
But yet he looked up at me and refused .
He said I can't take it.
I'm scared .
I said why there's nothing to be scared of ?
I've notice the tears under he's eyes
That he's eyes were blood shot from the lack of sleep every night .
It's like he hasn't slept for days .
Seems like he was crying for days .
Seems like every other night he was running away.
But running away from what ?
What can he possibly run away from?
He told me he left he's mom and he's step dad and he ran away .
From he's house because of he's step dad beating and having to suffer from violence each and every day .
He said he's stepdad beat him with whips and chains and made bruises out of him. And he also got tired of watching he's mom get beaten to death .
So he ran away .
To the part where he became homeless and starved from starvation everyday .
I wanted to help him but he didn't want my help so I walked away .
Since that day he passed away
No one really knew what happend to him .
Some say he shoot him self .
Others say he just passed away and  fainted .
But from this day
All I can  say is child abuse and violence is not they answer .
Let's rather bring peace and blessings along our way .

-Nadira Ahmed

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