Thursday, March 9, 2017

broken family

She was the oldest when it came to the kids her stepfather had  .
 Her mother had remarried another man.
Since her biological father had passed away.

Therefore her stepfather the man of the house never tend to raise a finger when it came to helping hes own kids. He was a dead beat dad as what they call it.
 A man that never tend to not care for anything including hes own kids.

I can only imagine how hard it is being  the only child from your  mother side
 Not having anyone to turn to.
Just crying every Night.

 She was such a sweet soul but yet struggled so much.

Such a amazing Girl with so much hope.

She had many things in her plate but still contain  to love him  with everything she did .

The love he had shown her was so real  I could see it right through hes eyes.

 Felt like all this shit was to unreal.

Looking at the way he took care for her and her family  that's something her stepfather lacked on doing as a man that was suppose to look out for hes own family .

He was the meaning of a True man.

It was like   He picked the broken glass pieces of the broken family and put them back together .

 He was a sweetheart and true soul .

Someone any Girl would love and admire.

He was My friend...

-Nadira Ahmed

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