Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Why bother?

Why bother giving men chances when 
All they ever do is make small talks  and waste your precious energy? 
Why bother giving them the  time of your day?
When you can  rather invest your time in money?
Why bother trying to figure  about what a guy is doing?
 who is he with? or  what he’s  about?
When you rather can better  yourself as a person?
Why bother going on dates  
get all dressed up?
taking the time 
Meeting a new person?
When instead you  can educate your self 
Get a career .
 And be successful?
You don’t need to be happy to have a person to love you or be with you .
You don’t need a guy to hold your hand while crossing the street .
This isn’t a love movie .
The best love you can ever give is the one within yourself .
Don’t look for love .
Love yourself. 
Give your self everything and more.
Real happiness lies within you .
You don’t need nobody.
You need you .

-Nadira Ahmed 

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