Wednesday, May 30, 2018


i'm a young East African girl that was born in Africa where I came from.
The complexion of my skin shouldn't define who I am .
I am just like anybody.
See the thing with people these days  is they treat you differently.
If your not  a white american  they wont treat you equally .
They wont give you the same rights .
They will look down on you and spit on you like your a non existent .
That's why you  see a lot of these African  american  men getting stabbed or killed by officers .
 Only because  there Africans.
Only because there not like white Americans.
 The headline on t.v shows the tragic story's . 
Them getting beaten for no reason.
Why is'nt anyone paying attention honestly?
Doesn't anyone  notice this?
Why is that if I'm African I dont get the same rights as anybody?
What is that if my skin isn't a bit white  and I don't have that white complexion .
I get looked as a outsider?
And I don’t get the same benefits?
Why is that if I wear a hijab i'm all of a sudden a terrorist ?
Why does my color or the clothes I wear have to define me as a person?
Honestly what this world and society need to understand is were all the same  were no different 
Were all Human.

-Nadira Ahmed

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