Saturday, February 19, 2022

Empty void

She was in a  world where she didn’t know who she was . 

Sometimes she would love to try different stuff .

But I’n the end of the day she would always find her way to come back to her true self .

She try many things but nothing ever sparked her soul  .

A Hijabi girl living in a non Islamic world.

Who would ever thought she would throw away the scarf and put on her tight  pair of Blue jeans and  white tank  top.

She just wanted to fit in with everyone else.

Little did she know that her hijab is what kept her different from the rest .

She was living in a life where she pretend to be happy . 

Happy to be someone she wasn’t trynna be  , 

All she ever wanted to be was free .

Free from the judgment,  Free from the hurt .

The most saddest thing was she was battling with herself . 

Her inner self wasn’t happy to throw away the hijab , Something  always pulled her back .

Every time she tried going bad.

She had such a generous beautiful  soul and  that’s something she never lacked , She had a  Strong  iman and that’s  why she never lost faith in the hijab.

-Nadira Ahmed 

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