Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Cracked ¤

Everyday she would scream .
She would yell so hard and cry her tears out.
She would fight with everyone around her .
It's like everyday it would get worse for her .
Not a day goes by where she didn't feel hurt.
No one would listen .
No one was really there .

She would scream so hard on top of her lungs.
yet no one would stop to care .
Until her voice cracked .
And she tried screaming but no one couldn't hear a thing .
She couldn't even hear her own voice 
She became silent .
So Silent to the point where she cracked .
And you couldn't hear a peep .
Everyone started wondering why she was all of sudden silent .
Why she couldn't say a thing .
But the thing they didn't know was that she cracked .
And that's one of the reasons she stopped talking .

-Nadira Ahmed

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