Tuesday, January 5, 2016


 She was  just as beautiful And kind .
Such lovely  And had a great  Mindset.
Looks ,Brain  Everything you can want in a girl.
She had it all .
Smart devoted and Creative.
She gave great vibes  to everyone.
She had so much  to offer 
Other then her looks.
But she had hard times  looking for love.
Because  in her mind
Every guy  was the same. 
Not any different .
So she waited instead .
 Never searched.
Because  deep down she knew if she left 
Everything to god .
She would've got what she wanted .
She was very smart to never  look for anyone.
Because  she knew the 
Power  god  had  was more stronger  then anything.
What she had believed in was destiny.
And thats why she found him.
-Nadira Ahmed

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