Monday, April 18, 2016


Have you ever wondered why you shouldn't even waste  A single soul on a person?

Why bother to talk to them on the phone for hours ?
When you know its pointless.
And you wont get anything out of it?
Why bother ?
when you know there not worth your time.
So why even give them the time of day of yours?
Its like there here for the half hours .
But not truly there for the long run . Or when you need them.
I use to have excitements of learning  new people and meeting individuals.
Where I use to ask people how there day is going .
And now a days  I dont even bother.
I have that thought in me where not everyone is really there.
Except for the true ones which is truly your family .
Others are just irrelevant as they can be.
Because they dont stay for the longest insted  there not always here.

-Nadira Ahmed

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