Friday, August 19, 2016


She said she allows abuse
I said in what state of mind?
She said if my husband beats me I will still love him and give him all of me.
I said you must lost your mind to love someone who would hit you .
Then I realize that love is blind.
 No matter how much it kills you.
 I asked her Is that your meaning of love sweetie ?
 if all he ever does is beat you?
I said a real men that loves you would never touch you or lay he's hands on you in any harmful way. 
Real love is not like this.
your suppose to feel protected.
abuse should never be tolerate in any case.
What he should do is ask for forgiveness. 
Because he should be the one to blame,'
 love isn't about being hurt or tortured. 
its suppose to make you feel happy.
and your suppose to feel like you are your husbands one and only.
Not a punching bag. 
if all you ever feel like is this.
Then take matters in your hands and run away.
Because you rather be single then to be feeling this way.

-Nadira Ahmed

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