Monday, September 5, 2016

Night time

I love the Night time.
Strange clouds.
Dark nights.
Cold sighs.
I love them long winter Nights.
Cold breeze .

Where you Go out and take night walks during the late night .
They say all  bad things  happen in night.
Because during the day time all strange things  stay hidden .
But once it hits Night time.
The killers , The gang bangers and all the crazy people escape.

Most people wonder why I'm so amazed by the Night time
Because it gets dangerous during the night.
Maybe its because I'm so in love by the way it makes me feel.
And how I feel so alive.
I love the feeling of night time and how my thoughts come in.
During the night time I either  sit behind my laptop and write about my thoughts.

Or take night walks during the full Moon.
I find  the night time  beautiful .
Its more quiet  and more amazing.
Just more soothing and relaxing.

Where you rather not sleep and be Just  inside your sheets.

But to  more explore the world and see How Life really is.

-Nadira Ahmed

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