Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Savage Boy

Savage Boy your Not that tough.
I know you have all these things planned out for you.
But you just don't know where to start.
You maybe be cold at times .
But I know your heart is made of pure gold.
The loneliness makes you angry.
Because you just wanna be loved .
But you still tend to care for the others . Because deep down You have a good heart.
See I know you very well.
Because you were once more then a friend to me once a long time ago.
I know you have a soft spot  .
But sometimes you play a lot  .
You can act childish at times.
But thats all part of growing up.
ooh savage boy .
if only someone understood you the way I did.
Maybe someday things couldve  changed for you.
you wouldn't have to  keep figuring out your self.
You would've just stop what your doing and Lived your life right.
-Nadira Ahmed

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