Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Sometimes people confuse lust with love and often think there in love.
When they really aren't.
See when its more of  lust.
Things don't  seem to last long.

Because its more  of the person .
Loving your body and having sexual desires for you.
Other then deeply loving you.

Women get confused and hurt.
Not  knowing what men really want.

I can see because  I know how it seems to be.
Were not in it for the  lust.

Were in it for the love.
Don't  confuse lust with love.
Keep them  separately.

if its not love then don't try to convince me  I don't want it.
Its not  about your sexual desires only .

Its about  loving that person fully.
Without  having to worry about whats
underneath the sheets .

Just love me for who I am .
Is that so hard ?

-Nadira Ahmed

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