Monday, January 2, 2017


I know i'm the worst person you could ever imagine .
Yet you still stayed there and Gave me so much patience.
I know I turn you down so many times.
Yet you still gave me so many chances.
Chances after chances .Yet I still hurt you and did you wrong.
Just wondering how you still had to put up with my Bullshit for so long?
Why is that even when I lied to you several times?
You still kept your head up and stay so strong?
Why is that even when I made so many excuses?
All you ever said was your Good For It.
Still Had trust me .
 Yet kept a smile on your face.
And said if its meant to be it will always find its way.
Such a Good Soul You really are.
Been At it for two years.
Yet you still stay the same way you were.
Just know if your Reading this.
 I Love You For Everything .And I appreciate everything  you've did for me so far.
•My Dear friend  My Love•

-Nadira Ahmed

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