Sunday, January 22, 2017


How do you expect someone to show you respect if only what your offering is your body?
Your a young woman think twice before  you get Naked?
 Why sale out your self to men having them   look you down like a piece of meat?
You show off with your bare skin and  expect men to think your a queen .
Baby girl you got so much else to offer other
then your skin.
But then its quit funny how you show off your bare skin .
And then yell and get mad when men call you off like a piece of of roast beef.
its not these men to blame .
its actually you whose setting this image for them .
im not here to come at you .
But I rather tell you like it is.
You don't get paid  for these photos .
Your no super model  , your No actor .
your just a ordinary girl.
You don't need to get bare naked and show off your skin for attention.
You'll  'find a real one.
when you see one .
Just Act like a Woman.

-Nadira Ahmed

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