Thursday, April 13, 2017


I ignore problems.
 I ignore the people I dislike And hate.
I ignore All my issues  like there not there.
I know I can be A bitch at times I have to admit.
I dont like to deal with my problems at times so I run away.
I ignore  people And pretend there dead.
The image of them is just no longer there so I erase them from my head.
Sometimes I just hate to run away and ignore things Because its not easy to feel this way.
For some Reason I was never good on expressing my thoughts  in some way.
Always believed When you open up .
You come off being weak and less of  a women in a way.
Had a feeling No one would ever be able to understand  .
 Sometimes people pretend they hear you , But they really aren't there.
They pretend they really want to listen but in reality they don't care .
Maybe that explains why I like to keep things bottled inside .
Why I no longer try anymore..
Where I No longer vent like I once did.
You shut down on everyone and its like they judge you
And call you out for being the rudest Bitch.
You open up and its like your known as being the easiest chick.
Funny how the world goes.
Seems like  none of this  is surprising to me at all.

-Nadira Ahmed

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