Sunday, April 16, 2017

On The Road

Sometimes your so worried and stressed on looking for happiness in others.
That you forget that the real happiness is in yourself.
Depending on people wont make you happy.
Having to think falling in love .
 Wont make you feel complete .
Its better in life to know that your capable of taking care of your own self .
Then to think that you have to have somebody.
Go on the road and find your own self.
Quit worrying about what others are doing with their time.
Life has bigger things in future for you.
In a world so big like this.
 Make sure to find something you love.
And  work towards it.
Paint your own picture.
Travel and see the world  .
look for what makes you happy.
Find the inner love in you.
And always rememeber to  remain  happy.

-Nadira Ahmed

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