Friday, April 14, 2017

Grow Up

You pretend to be someone else so bad.
You forget  who You  truly  are.

You want to fit in what everyone else is doing .
So you rather just follow what others are on.

 Your to selfish to be your own leader.
So therefore your the one that follows the crowd  . 

Silly boy look at you.

Thats not You.

You want to be noticed so bad Your seeking for attention  By everyone else .
Wake up  No one really cares .

Your just a silly little boy .
Who hasn't fully grown yet.

With a mind of a child.
And a body of a seventeen year old.

When will you ever grow Up?
When will you ever fully understand ?
That the hoes you chase ,The ways you be flexing.
The many haircuts you might get.
Just wont ever grab a womans attention.

After all Your just Attracting these little Girls.
Because your just a  silly little boy.

-Nadira Ahmed

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