Tuesday, May 30, 2017


After her sons were taking away.
I swear all that was left on her face  was a feeling of numbness .
She had no emotions.
 No feelings.
 I had never seen someone that blank.
It was like you'd talk to her and not once would she smile.
She would stare at you with a blank face.
Because deep down she was left with no emotions.
To the point where she turned so cold.
She was hurt so bad where she had a feeling of emptiness inside her bones.
A feeling of sad emotions.
A feeling of sorrow .
She wouldn't show it.
 Not once.
She didn't show anything at all.
Because She had given up.
She had stop fighting.
Sometimes when we get tired of fighting for what we want.
We rather just let it go.
And leave it up to God to deal with  it.
Since its out of her hands.
Theres nothing we can change about it.
Rather to just have faith and pray.

-Nadira Ahmed

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