Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Have you ever just set there And thanked where you headed in life?
 Whats the purpose of you  being here?
 what are you trying to achieve?
What do you want to do with yourself?
your out there stuck in your mind full of thoughts surrounded by fog.
where you end up having all these doubts.
Not knowing whats the next step in life is for you.
I know I have those days at times.
we all have those questions sometime in our lives.
But then again where all here for a reason right?
And thats to make the most of this world by  increasing our good deeds
and inspiring others with our great achievements.
And putting a smile on our loved ones faces.
I think it all begins with loving yourself.
And knowing you can do whatever you put your mind to.
By Following your dreams  doing what you have to by following the right path  that leads you.

-Nadira Ahmed

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