Thursday, May 19, 2016

Is it Ever Gonna Be Enough?

I  don't understand why People Will Go for other things
when they completely have everything.
Its like they search for more and more things
Because They likely feel empty.
Its like they have this empty hole inside them
That just needs to be filled.
There never satisfied for what they have
So they look for more and more things.
Why do we do that?
Why do we feel the need to go off searching for other things.?
When we already have everything.
Its like we go searching for things in the other side .
Because we
 don't  often pay attention for the things we have now .
You see?
We think about what we should wear or who we should go see?
its like maybe if I buy those christian louboutin heels  I would've  been just happy.
or maybe if I was A bit thin I could've fit in.
its the things like that where some people in society think about .
And go off wandering.
When there is  a young women out there that's thinking  about what she should feed her kids.
Or a young boy  working everyday to make ends meet.
Because theirs  people starving out there..
Not knowing when their last meal would be.
And theirs gunshots going off everyday.
having People Not knowing when their  last day would be.

-Nadira Ahmed


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