Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Fire & Skulls

For the first time I actually felt like I gave up on something .
People are like ropes.
You held on to them so tightly .
But one way or another you let go.
Where you suddenly give up.
 And run out of hope.
You cant ever just try so hard to make things work.
Because in the end of the day .
Nothing stays the same.
Even your shadow leaves you out in the cold.
People are like fire and skulls .
They burn you then there facial changes.
There skin comes off and theirs nothing but the skull left of it.
You see they say the people That you must likely knew would last forever but they  dont.
Its always the ones you knew.
That end up hurting you the most.
That's where you come off
Learning to depend on being on your own.
T'hats when you become so cold.
Left with no feelings at all.
T'hats when you  dont care anymore.
And I learned it the hard way .
That not even the grass isn't
 greener in the other side.
Even if it
comes off  looking that way .

-Nadira Ahmed

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