Sunday, July 17, 2016


As I was younger colors to me where like rainbow .

I grew up playing with crayons and painting different colors .

Guess you can say colors weren't described as only paintings you'd paint on papers .

They were there to describe other areas of things in this world including people.

As I got older I start to realize that people where described by there color .

Appearance  didn't really matter .

It was always About what color we were and how we couldn't fit well in this world .

They Called us black and white .

Humanity separated us.             
And  described us by our skin tone .

Worst Thing of all we were being treated different .
And not earning the same rights as well.
Because we weren't the same color .

They say things as your a black African American .
You could never be better then us .

So they start to fight .
Where it all leads to racism .

People from different race
Start to fight because they felt .
Like they were looking down on us .

Having to start war wasn't never part of my race or religion .
I grew up in a household where we were never  taught to kill or harm anyone .
I myself believe in piece on my side for humanity and everyone .

-Nadira Ahmed      

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