Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Cough syrup

Maybe it was that  NyQuil
That had her off.
Maybe it was the reason  why she did what she did.
Now that  I figure it out .

I remember whenever she got angry or remember something from a past tense .
She wanted to forgot .

She would've drank half of the bottle .
And that 10% alcohol it knocked her right off her feet.

Many people  had addictions to drugs  .
And drank bottles of whisky or Jack Daniel's .
Her addictions wasnt needles  or drugs.
Her addictions was NyQuil that cough syrup.

Sometimes you take so much amount of something.
You over abuse it.

Just to feel better or forget about whatever your feeling.
Thats how every addiction starts .

We tend to think if we do the stuff that we likely are addicted to .
It might ease the pain and we might just feel a bit better in a way.

But what we don't know is we end up hurting ourselves even more.

That NyQuil took over her body to the point where she had a black out.
So much noise towards her ears it was like  a siren she just couldn't figure out.
Her heart was racing .
kinda sounded like the sounds  of the drums .
So much  sweating she felt the hot flashes .
Until she just couldn't  take it anymore.
Thats when she started to realize she almost lost her life.
She decided to turn her life around
and finally threw away the bottle.

-Nadira Ahmed

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