Monday, December 3, 2018

Love Work its Wonders.

Sometimes what you don't want ends up being someone else's blessing.

Its the same person you didn't want a couple of months ago
that ends up being  married.

Its the same person you didnt take the chance to talk to .

The person who ends up getting married  to the girl you once knew.

It’s same the person you wasn’t feeling .

The same person whose making someone else dreams come true .

See the thing with life is that we all don’t want the person that wants us .

So we end up chasing the ones that hurt us the most .

You  start to see love working on it’s on way .
As you see the people you once knew are happy.

With the same people you once pushed away .

And your glad they found happiness.
Because deeply you knew they weren’t someone for you .

And all you can do is congratulate them .

Cause from here on.

That’s all you can do .

-Nadira Ahmed

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